
August 19, 2010

Kitchen Inspiration

The best part of any renovation is the planning: measuring, drawing, dreaming, looking for inspiration photos, and finally shopping. No matter what stage of the renovation we happen to be at, we are always in the market for some inspiration, and we have been known to completely alter plans if we happen upon something really great that needs to be incorporated into the design. So here is a little sampling of beautiful little nuggets that are keeping us motivated to finish. Each one of these photos has an element or two that we plan on weaving into the final kitchen. Can you guess which ones?

Southern Living

SchappacherWhite Ltd. via

Amoroso Design

Wendy Possard

Mueller Nicholls Cabinets

Jessica Helgerson

Mueller Nicholls Cabinets

Christian Rice Architects

The Kitchen Studio of Glen Ellyn

Rebekah Zaveloff, KitchenLab & Design in a

Denyse Rinfret via Traditional Home

House Beautiful

Michelle Dunker

Beautiful Kitchens

Amoroso Design


  1. Wonderful post, very french country styles there, I'm looking for lots of inspiration for my new home

    All things nice...

  2. Very inspiring images. I love the stainless steel farmhouse sink! Wow!


  3. I am so in love with the green inside the glass cabinets in the fourth picture from the bottom...we're starting our kitchen reno this weekend and I've got 3 glass-fronted beauties of my own calling out for something a little funky...

  4. You found a lot of great inspiration. I'm noticing all of the different light fixtures--they can really make a room.
