
May 28, 2010

Lily of the Valley

We have only been home for a few days and I am already missing Paris. Last night I dreamt of the men on the street corners selling tiny little bouquets of lily of the valley. Every time I saw a woman walking home with one I had a sudden urge to buy one, but I refrained knowing that mine would be in full bloom when I returned home. Now when I walk out my back door and breathe in that intoxicating scent, I am taken back to Paris. I brought a little bouquet inside to brighten up my morning routine in the bath. The vase is a black glazed ceramic yogurt pot from the patisserie "Paul" that I dragged all through Europe in my carry-on. Who does that? Please no snide remarks about my nerdiness, Mr. laughed at me every time the pot came tumbling out as I dug in the bag for my camera, chapstick, or umbrella!  Oh, and I won't go into how I now completely refuse to eat yogurt from a plastic container. Ah Paris, even the yogurt is superior!


  1. Here is a tip for you. When you start missing Paris go out into your front yard where the neighborhood dogs have access. Look around until you find some dog poo. Then go ahead and step in it. This is guaranteed to help you through those rough moments of missing Paris. Once the dog poo has worn off your shoe call me and will go eat some sub par macaroons from Le Madeline's. (Sorry Le Madeline's but you do still make the best Kouing Aman)

  2. I forgot to remind you of this:
    White coral bells upon a slender stalk,
    Lilies of the Valley deck my garden walk.
    Oh how I wish that you could hear them ring…
    That will happen only when the Faeries sing.

  3. that is so pretty! I want my yogurt in a pot too :)

  4. I am sure that everything in Paris is wonderful. I think the French truly have such amazing style and grace. Speaking of grace, your Lilies of Valley look so graceful sitting on that lovely countertop.

    So glad I found your blog.


  5. Just came over from A Cozy Little House to say hello! I love your blog and your photography! I'll be back . :-)

  6. Wonderful...
    and the Paris photos...Oh-la-la.
    I only dream of Patis at this point.
    Someday soon.
    and Your White post...
    My passion.
    Wonderful blog,
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  7. I never thought to bring lily of the valley flowers in, I don't know why. They are so pretty! And I love the yogurt cup you carried with you, I would have done the same thing!

  8. Gorgeous photos! What kind of camera do you use?

